Esther Kennedy is a young girl aged 15, doing her form 1 at SBVM Mpalankhanga Girls Secondary School for the deaf in Zomba ( a school run by Catholic nuns). Esther has a hearing and speech impairment.
Esther comes from Mponela Dowa district. She has been in AOMU-Tuition support for children with special education needs and disabilities program since primary, all through to Mua School for the death, where she sat for her Primary School Leaving certificate and was selected to go to SBVM Mpalankhanga Girls Secondary School for the deaf.
Esther’s first year in secondary has been possible because of your support, the contributions we have been asking for from you on this page, and Thandi Revill Chirwa’s pages…Just Giving drives
From your contributions we have managed:
Esther’s tuition fees (170,000 kwacha per term) = 510,000 kwacha for the whole academic year ($500).
Esther’s transportation from Mponela to Zomba and back = 30,000 kwacha one trip multiply by 6 (twice per term..three terms) 180,000 kwacha – $180
Esther’s school uniform which comprises of shoes, socks, blue skirt and white golf-shirt with school logo and name = 50,000 kwacha.. $50
Esther’s little pocket money and basics..
All of the above have been achieved because you reciprocated our call for support. Thank you so much. We can part ourselves on the back and say we achieved this in this academic year..and not only that, apart from Esther, we have also supported 3 other children at Mua School for the deaf, and about 45 students with special education needs and disabilities present at AOMU’s resource centre Mponela 2 in Dowa.

We wish to do more to children like Esther, who are presenting to us positive results in our quest for the right to education for children with disabilities. For example, in the picture of Esther, the bag you see on the ground, has been her bag for the whole year, to and from school, Zomba Mponela, with that bag. At least we can get her a good and durable “suit-case..”….. Remember Esther is a girl in her puberty age, her basics are more than we can Sanitary Pads, and other necessities that would incentivise her to remain in school until we prove to the world that Education is key to everyone including children with various disabilities in our communities.
With this we ask to continue opening your doors to our calls for support. We love you our respective supporters in this endeavour. Education is a Fundamental Human Right. We can achieve together. Thank you and Thank you!!!