Working to promote access to meaningful education for children with

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in Malawi

in Malawi

Get To Know Us

Ana Onse Mpata Umodzi (AOMU) which directly translates into ‘all children same chance’, exists to promote the Universal Human Right to Education by ensuring that children with learning difficulties are not left behind in the quest for education and its related benefits.

What We Do

These are the four main areas that AOMU focuses on

Get a glimpse of some of our work

Our Projects

Provision of wheelchairs so children can attend school
Provision of extra tuition for children with SEND
Training teachers in basics of identification, assessment and support of SEND
Building a classroom block for children with severe learning difficulties
Capacity building
Creative a conducive learning environment (classroom construction)
Learning and growth
Awareness raising
Learning from experiences

Contact Us

Together equipping all children for a brighter future